Archive: sell high

Current Exchange Rates: Week 4

27th of September, 2013

Wait… what? Week 4? Already? Sheesh. This season is going by far too quickly for my liking right now. Now that we’re heading into Week 4, we can start considering players’ numbers as legitimate trends (good or bad) and not just chalk it up to small sample sizes and going crazy with extrapolations. Trends I’d […]

Current Exchange Rates: Week 11

15th of November, 2012

It’s already Week 11 of the NFL season, and trade deadlines are fast approaching. Time to get those lineups as stacked as possible, and it’s time to start cashing in on that depth you have on your bench. With the final round of bye weeks coming it will become almost useless to have high quality […]

Current Exchange Rates: Week 9

1st of November, 2012

Perception: How you see something given the available information. It’s probably the single most important word in talks of trades and “buy low” , “sell high” type guys. It’s amazing how our perception of a player can change on a weekly basis. I wrote about perception and overreaction over at, but I’ll build on […]

Current Exchange Rates: Week 8

25th of October, 2012

I am a certifiable techie. Literally. I do carry an A+ certification for those familiar with the IT world. I love gadgets – Apple products specifically. Every time they release a new device, Apple-ites drool in expectation. The future is bright and sunny. The days ahead are filled with unicorns and rainbows. Though sooner or […]