Archive: logic

Survey Says: Family Feud, Fantasy Football, and Groupthink

12th of May, 2013

For many of you, this will come as no surprise: I have an addiction. I wouldn’t say that this addiction is necessarily debilitating, but it is an addiction nonetheless.  As far as I know, there aren’t any recovery groups or “meetings” for this addiction, but I believe that the fantasy football community can provide the […]

Questioning the Status Quo: Life Lessons Transplanted into Fantasy Football

6th of February, 2013

 One day everything will be well, that is our hope. Everything is fine today, that is our illusion. -Volitaire The nature of fantasy football lends itself to a unique relationship between the average Joe Schmo Fantasy Footballer and an analyst who studies the fake sport for a living. While the masses each play the same game […]

Using Average Draft Positions to Your Advantage

10th of August, 2012

Could you imagine going to the grocery store for a gallon of milk, and paying a couple of extra bucks just for the heck of it? The price tag says “$3.50”, but you just say, “hey, I’m going to pay an extra dollar for this” when you get to the checkout line. Or let’s say […]